Your birth journey starts here with tales of Joy, Empowerment, and Unwavering Support

Each birth is a different journey that you only get to travel once, for that specific pregnancy, for that special baby. I will be there to be a guide and abide in that journey with you.

Central Minnesota Abiding Joy Doula pregnant belly
newborn baby Central Minnesota Doula


Abiding Joy Doula Package

Embark on this beautiful journey with guidance and care

  • On call for you 24hrs a day starting at your 38th weeks of pregnancy

  • Continuous labor support: Wherever you choose to birth: hospital, home or birth center. I will be present to provide emotional and physical support, I will work to keep you comfortable with various relaxation techniques, changing positions, creating a calm quiet atmosphere and more

  • Remaining with you 1-2hrs after birth to make sure you are comfortable, eating and breastfeeding is established

  • 1-3 prenatal visits at your home or location of your choice: to discuss birth options, create a birth plan, these meetings are tailored to your needs we can cover all things from emotions, eating habits, moving your body to any issues that you’re experiencing, and overall become well acquainted before the intimate birth journey

  • 1-2 postpartum visits at your home: debrief your birth experience, offer breastfeeding support, answer basic newborn questions, do light housekeeping and provide emotional support

  • Unlimited text, phone calls and email support prenatally for any questions or concerns that pop up

  • Access to my lending library books and resources

  • Basic breastfeeding guidance and support

  • Postpartum gift of healing herb bath, tea or broth and homemade healthful meal delivered

Services Fee = $1,200

Meet the Doula

Hi I’m Jess! I am a mama of 3, a wife to an amazing husband and a follower of Jesus. We moved to the central Minnesota lakes area in 2020 where my husband and I built our forever home. In any of my spare time, you can find me: outside, gardening, cooking up new recipes, reading birth books, practicing yoga or taking care of chickens and kids! I have always had a passion for caring for people. I earned my bachelor’s in nursing and worked as an RN for 8 years. Then, I decided staying home to raise and homeschool my kids was my new calling and career. I absolutely fell in love with all things birth after my first baby was born at home in 2019 and I have not stopped studying birth since! I thoroughly enjoy learning, reading and immersing myself in birth world knowledge. It would be an honor to walk with you through your pregnancy journey to empower, support and encourage you to have the birth experience you desire.

My Training:

  • DONA Trained (Doulas of North America)

  • Indie Birth Sacred Sister Doula

  • Evidence Based Birth Member

Abide in me, and I will abide in you. Just as the branch cannot produce fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.

John 15:4

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!

doula, baby wearing, central Minnesota doula,
newborn baby waterbirth homebirth doula


    • The doula provides you with continuous labor support and encourages you during this massive life change that is pregnancy, birth and becoming a parent.

    • Physical support: position changes, massage, soothing touch, calming atmosphere, assists with getting into shower/ tub and staying nourished eating and drinking.

    • Emotional support: encourages and praises you, assists with positive thinking, holds space for you to feel exactly how you need to, advocates for you to feel in control and confident, helps you debrief after the birth.

    • A doula can assist with education and planning before birth so that in the birth room you are able to make informed decisions.

    • Part of the doula’s role is to slow the decision-making process down and allow time for you to communicate with your provider about the risks and benefits of any new interventions.

    • The doula goal is to maintain a safe, private and unobserved birth environment.

    • A doula does not provide any medical interventions (i.e. cervical checks, blood pressures, heart tones) or medical advice but supports you in asking questions and investigating to come to your own conclusions.

    • The doula’s role is not to speak for you but to empower you to self-educate and speak up for yourself.

  • Research has shown that having a trained doula to support the birthing mother continuously during birth leads to

    • more likely to have a normal vaginal birth (no forceps or vacuum)

    • use fewer pain medications

    • fewer negative feelings about birth

    • fewer cesarean births

    • shorter labors

    • babies had fewer complications

      *Source: Dekker, Rebecca PhD, RN and Sara Alishire, MA. (2024). Evidence on: Doulas.

    • Ideally the partner and the doula work together as a team to support the birthing mother's needs.

    • The birthing mother will likely feel most comfortable, loved and safe with the partner, so the doula is there to support them as a couple.

    • The doula is able to step in and give the partner breaks especially during a long labor so that the partner is able to: eat, sleep or use to the bathroom while the birthing mother still maintains a continuous support person.

    • I believe birth is a normal physiological process that sometimes needs a medical intervention, NOT a medical event that sometimes works physiologically.

    • “Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers. Strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.” ~Barbara Katz Rothman

    • Women's bodies are made to birth. Your body knows how and when to birth just like it knew how to grow the baby

    • Birth pains aren't happening to you, they are part of you, so they can't be stronger than you are

    • The pains you are feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming. Romans 8:18


“My first labor and delivery experience was shockingly amazing, and it followed by birth plan to its entirety. Our doula, Jess, was wonderful. She was there to advocate on my behalf what I desired, assist with the transitioning between positions, demonstrate techniques to my husband during the contractions to support him in helping me, and provide feedback throughout labor on my breathing and much encouragement. She took notes, pictures, ran errands when I neededsomething and never left my side. This allowed my husband to take a break too. Jess helped make our first labor and delivery experience everything we hoped for!” ~Karie

postpartum doula newborn baby

“Jessica has a beautiful calming presence. Her gentle words, actions, and resources reminded me that my body was perfectly built for my baby’s birth. I had nothing to fear. She was exactly what I needed.” ~Kaitlyn

Serving North Central Minnesota

Within 50 miles of Motley, MN


Brainerd Pillager Crosby Pine River Motley Staples Lincoln Randall Bertha Browerville Eagle Bend Clarissa Wadena Little Falls Long Prairie